Sunday, October 7, 2012

Vocabulary List #8 Hamlet Summary Act 1

     A the beginning of the play we are introduced to Bernardo, Francisco, Marcellus, and Horatio. These characters are watchmen who seem to be standing in abeyance when they should be keeping watch. Bernardo tells Horatio of a ghost that has been beleaguering the watchmen during midnight. Horatio does not  believe Horatio but is quick to change his mind when he witnesses the ghost. Horatio is in a state of shock and seems queasy at the sight of the ghost. The ghost seems to be a fastidious spirit since he will not speak to the watchmen even when they dare demand it. The ghost gambols away every time the watchmen want it to tell them what it wants.
      Back at at the castle, Hamlet's uncle Claudius has recently married his mother even though it has only been two months since his father's death. There is no trace of ambivalence in Hamlet's words for he knows he is against his mother's marriage, but is willing to deal with it. Hamlet viewed Claudius as a debauch affecting his mother for she used to be a pure and happy being while she was with his father but now she is a n incestuous women.  Hamlet was told by his mother and Claudius to get over the death of his father. Claudius thought it was unmanly of him to continue mourning the deceased king.
     Claudius gave Laertes permission to go back to France since the wedding was over and he had a life to continue. Before leaving, Laertes told Ophelia she opt to stay away from Hamlet because he was only going to hurt her. He told her Hamlet was young and only looking for fun. She told Laetes she would and then Polonius joined in. Polonius also told her to stay away from the young Hamlet. He said he would do her no good. He described him as an inchoate teenager who didn't know what he wanted. Hamlet would only use her for eclat and and self-satisfaction. He thought of Ophelia as being a malleable young girl who would fall victim to Hamlet's devious plans. The secretly refractory Ophelia said she would stay away from Hamlet but inside she had different plans.
     Hamlet was told by the watchmen that a ghost of his father had been haunting around and so he was quick to investigate such claims. Hamlet encountered the ghost and talked to him privately even tough the watchmen advised him not to. What the ghost claimed would mark the beginning of a cataclysm. The ghost claimed to be Hamlet's father. He told Hamlet that eh had not died from a snake bite like people had claimed. He had actually been poisoned by his very own brother who had now become his true nemesis. With his words, the ghosts imbued Hamlet into avenging his death. Hamlet now had carte blanche and had to keep it.The philistine Claudius had betrayed his own brother and had married his former wife. Hamlet told the ghost he would please him and would make Claudius pay. No simple lampoon would ever be enough to avenge the king. Hamlet would have to take more drastic measures. Hamlet's savior-faire allowed the ghost to leave in peace for he knew Hamlet would obey his request.
     The watchmen wanted to know all that was said between Hamlet and the ghost but Hamlet would not budge. He made them swear they would keep quiet about the ghost and the less than picaresque watchmen swore they would not say a word.

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