Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tools That Change the Way We Think

As technology improves we become more and more dependent on it. We use it for homework, we use it for work, we use it for entertainment, etc. For some technology is a life saver and for others it consumes time that could have been used on something productive. Internet and media broaden your view on issues of the world. Some of these issues include things that matter such as politics and natural disasters but others only fill our minds with things we could easily go without knowing. These are mostly seen in media where they discuss the lives of those "famous" individuals. We fill our lives with the problems of others simply because they are "famous." Internet can serve as a huge distraction just as much as it can serve as a great source in which one can go to for help. Our entire AP English course is based on using technology and our blogs but at the same time i often find myself wasting time on YouTube. Technology can be as harmful as it can be helpful. You can learn so much from the internet. It can help you understand the world around you, it can help you achieve goals, and it can help you through obstacles. It makes the finding of information a lot simpler than it used to be back when people had to read through large books in order to find answers. Today one can just type in a topic they want to read more about and thousands of results are just a click away. People in the past went far with the limited amount of tools they had. We can get far but some may find it difficult to do if they did not count on the tools offered. It is true that we have become lazy and we rely greatly on finding easy ways out. Technology has created these easy ways out and most of us use them on a daily basis. It is good to keep it all balanced. We continue to rely on textbooks in school which requires us to search for answers we need. We can combine the search in books with search in the internet and this keeps gives us balance. Technology, internet, and media serve as ways of entertainment. Entertainment often lowers our stress levels and can have a positive effect on our lives. 

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