Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary List #3 Sentences

1. The highest accolade at his high school was awarded to a female.
2. Cassie used an unnecessary amount of acerbity when complaining about her low test grade to her Biology teacher.
3. She was unaware of the constant attrition her teeth were undergoing throughout the night.
4. Her bromide personality was a key factor in the poor performance of her class on the exam.
5. The chauvinist individual burned the Japanese flag as a symbol of his hate toward Japan.
6. Her chronic illness kept her from doing her daily duties as a mother of six.
7. She tried to expound the main theme of the story in a very concise essay but received a failing grade for lack of evidence.  
8. His incentive to help was triggered by pure factionalism.
9. We were surprised to see how immaculate the house remained after so many years of absence.
10. Helen did not believe in superstitious but it was evident that the imprecation has changed something inside of her.
11. Although working tends to tedious, it continues being an ineluctable duty.
12. The mercurial child was starting to annoy her mother with her sporadic tantrums and vulgar language.
13. The damage was done yet she continued to palliate what she had done.
14. The paperwork was entirely protocol.
15. Her resplendent face could be seen from a mile away and had an angelic appearance only apparent to her true love.
16. The teenage group was stigmatized as a gang, due to their baggy pants and long chains.
17. Their date was held sub rosa, due to the uproar it would cause between their families.
18. Her achievements were well worth the vainglory of her speech.
19. Fossils can be seen as a vestige of what Earth organisms used to be like.
20. Spending time with her instead of his friends was a volition he would never regret.

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