Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary List #3 Definitions

accolade: an expression of praise
acerbity: being acid in temper, mood. or tone
attrition: the act of wearing or grinding down by friction
bromide: a commonplace or tiresome person
chauvinist: a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory
chronic: marked by long duration or frequent recurrence
expound: to explain by setting forth in careful and often elaborate detail
factionalism: self-interested; partisan
immaculate: containing no flaw or error
imprecation: curse
ineluctable: not to be avoided, changed, or resisted
mercurial: characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood
palliate: to cover by excuses of apologies
protocol: an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction
resplendent: shining brilliantly
stigmatize: to describe or identify in expressive terms
sub rosa: in confidence; secretly
vainglory: vain display or show
vestige: a trace, mark or visible sign left by something
volition: a choice or decision made

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