Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vocabulary List Week 4: Sentences

1. Children growing up with apostate parents seem to lack a sense of belonging.
2. His effusive comment angered his partner for it was uncalled for and offensive.
3. Having to confront her was simply an impasse she was not emotionally prepared for.
4. The thought of seeing her loved one again filled her with euphoria.
5. The death of a loved one can lead to an intense state of lugubrious depression.
6. His talk of enduring dangerous journeys and battling fierce beings was all part of a bravado used to impress women.
7. The final decision on the matter of who would be group leader was decided upon with complete group member consensus.
8. A dichotomy of the work put in to the project by the pair of students was the best way to ensure fairness among them.
9. Guidelines for the final project were made by the teacher in order to constrict the students from doing a mediocre amount of work.
10. Gothic tales often consist of dark beings, whether these be malevolent or benevolent.
11. All those invited to her wedding seemed to have a great sense of punctilio.
12. Students experience a complete metamorphosis when going through high school.
13. The raconteur kept those invited to the formal gathering entertained.
14. A mother is seen as a sine qua non by some although there are those that do not have such a strong connection with their mother.
15. His quixotic point of view made sense to him but seemed impracticable to those who deemed themselves "normal."
16. They planned on resolving their vendetta with a battle to the death.
17. The conversation turned into a non sequitur towards the end when the students had run out of topics to discuss.
18. The characters mystique made him as interesting as he was.
19. The child found great pleasure in jumping into the quagmire of mud.
20. A hero' s parlous journey is what makes his triumph so great at the end.

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