Monday, September 24, 2012

Vocabulary List # 7 Sentences

1. He had killed three women and hurt two. It was do to an aberration in in his mind.
2. More employees will be hired in an ad hoc situation.
3. We found the little girl to be the bane in the fight that ended the man's life.
4. The student became bathos when the class became aware of his wealthy parents.
5.4. The cantankerous child was driving his mother crazy.
6. The teenage boy's bad  behavior was straightened out through casuistry.
7. He seemed kind but de facto he could be a very angry man at times.
8.  The pirates were engaged in an act of depredation against the opposing pirates.
9. He felt empathy for the girl who had just lost her mother since she herself had gone through the same pain a couple of years ago.
10. The harbinger had encountered a man who claimed to know where the group of explorers could spend the night.
11.  Those engaged in hedonism seem to live a life of happiness and peace.
12. The boy showed a lackluster personality when he was at school but transformed into a bundle of sunshine once he was home.
13. She seemed malcontent after the funeral was over even though she had not met her grandfather.
14. The mellifluousness of the story gave in clarity.
15. The job was passed on to the following employee based on nepotism.
16. The man was liked and known for being a pander.
17. She let the peccadillo slide  the first time.
18. The fireworks were definitely the piece de resistance of the night.
19. The case seemed to be getting a bit more serious and so it was remanded.
20. She showed the facial characteristics of a person with down syndrome.

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