Sunday, April 14, 2013

Act 2 notes

  • Macbeth is not in doubt. Macbeth had made up his mind and will please his wife. He will kill Duncan. It is no longer a matter of making up his mind. It never really was. He was pressured into having to make the decision of killing Duncan by Lady Macbeth
  • He goes back to Macbeth now with a troubled conscience 
  • Lady Macbeth accuses him of being a coward and plans on blaming the guards for the murder of Duncan. 
  • A knocking at their door scares Macbeth but simply startles Lady Macbeth
  •   Porter opens to Macduff and Lennox 
  • Macduff finds the dead king and alarms everyone
  • Macbeth killed the guards who were blamed for the murder of Duncan
  • Duncan's two sons flee and so suspects of ordering their father's death
  • Macbeth has gone to Scone to be crowned

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me like you get exactly what is going on in this act. Pretty intense if you ask me. Nicely done!
